Sunday, October 2, 2011

Musical Grandkids

We had a chance to visit with Jessica and Emily this afternoon.  They are both in music lessons so they gave us a recital of musical pieces that had practicing on.  Emily played a couple of selections, but my favorite was "Downtown".  I'm positive that Petula Clark sang it in the 60's. 
Jessica has only had three guitar lessons, and already she can accompany a song by Taylor Swift.  It was so impressive to see her change her fingers, at the same time she was strumming..

Don't you think it would be awesome to have a musical talent!!

1 comment:

Donna's chitchat said...

I am always so amazed and impressed when people display their musical talents. It is something I totally lack in.. and have no concept of how one can do two completely different movements while playing an instrument. (moving your hands so differently to accomplish a tune). I can type which used to be impressive, but now just about everyone types... so I am back to being mundane!