Monday, March 30, 2009

Do you Bonsi?

While in Ocala Florida, I visited a wonderful bonsai display that was near the Quilt seminars. I was so impressed with these sculptures. There were about 50 or 60 on display. Most were between 15 and 25 years old. This is definitely a beautiful art. I thought since these don't grow fast or very big, that they would be easy to take care of. But the attendant said most need watering every day since the roots are exposed and most are in such shallow dishes. As soon as I saw these, it reminded me that my sister has a wire and jewel bonsai tree that somebody made a long time ago. Does anyone remember doing that craft?

I loved these bonsai but it definitely would not work with our new "retired and mobile" lifestyle. We would have to get bonsai babysitters when we travel.

1 comment:

Donna's chitchat said...

I love bonsai. I took a course, like 25 years ago... have a book, a dish and thats about it. If I had actually started one 25 years ago, I would have a pretty impressive one by now. I can babysit one though.. that much I know... just snip snip here, snip snip there... no problemo